Thursday, October 14, 2010

benches make good observing spots

considering the concept (or feeling) of home these last few days; I realized today marks one month ago that I arrived to this west coast town. Am I established? I'd venture to say not. I'm still in the honeymoon stage. Home, I believe grows on you over time. Sure there are the moments when you walk into a place and it feels good, almost as though you belong, but I think the feeling of establishment is something much further. It comes with connect to community; to understanding those around you- finding like minds and like souls. I believe home is driven by connect to the land, to an understanding of the climate, of the boundaries and the surroundings. There is reassurance in familiarity. This past weekend spent in Seattle, I was given the opportunity to witness some interesting aspects of community. L and I ventured to a neighborhood farmers market on Saturday morning; umbrellas and reusable bags in tow. The saunter of this particular market (L observed) so strikingly different from other markets around the world. What dictates the pace of a market, that I'm not sure. I would however reach to say that community in market place is reasonably similar where ever you travel. This is a place for bartering, for exchanging information, for visually absorbing the surroundings. A place where communication is opened and hard work is recognized. Market takes a dirt field, a asphalt pad, a covered building and gives it life with community. I have to think I'll make a great old man on a bench (well I guess old woman) one of these days. What a treasure when you can just sit and watch  

Why the spider- because I really like this picture.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Volcanoes and Evergreen Relics

A sunny weekend spent in the cascades of Oregon, hiking to the base of Three Fingered Jack, a formation of volcanic horns in the heart of Santiam Pass. The pass burned in 2003, leaving relics of a once dense evergreen forest. New vegetation slowly making a appearance. In the background- mt. Jefferson cloaked in low lying clouds.    

when the autumn months bring the beauty of red, yellow and orange
The green in leaves is known as chlorophyll, a pigment which assists plants in photosynthesis (the process of manufacturing sugar.) During the growing months, chlorophyll is needed to produce food for the plant. Other pigments are present at this time, but because of the high levels of chlorophyll, our eyes detect only the green hue. As sunlight begins to lessen in intensity and duration during the autumn months, chlorophyll production slows until eventually the chlorophyll breaks down in the leaves making way for other pigments to be detected by our eyes. Carotenoids in leaves are responsible for the yellows, oranges and brown hues. Anthocyanin, another type of pigment, is responsible for the bright reds, purples and crimson colors. During this first week of October, we wandered into a meadow that highlighted this impressive show of color change. M and blueberry plants.